The Malfy Gin Rosa is a bright and refreshing flavoured gin, with a zesty and citrusy taste of pink grapefruit, and a rich, long juniper finish. Distilled in Italy, it uses some of the finest botanicals including handpicked juniper, Italian lemons, and fresh Sicilian pink grapefruit. This Italian gin is best served over ice with a Mediterranean tonic and a pink grapefruit wheel. Or why not enjoy a taste of the Amalfi Coast by making an Amalfi Sunset Spritz?
Nowhere encapsulates the spirit of Italy quite like the Amalfi Coast. In this stylish, sun-soaked enclave, life moves at a different pace… Inspired by this Amalfi lifestyle, Malfy Gin embodies its essence and invites you to live ‘La Dolce Vita’ as a true Italian.
Malfy Gin is the perfect gift to offer for a Christmas present, or for anniversaries, birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and other special occasions.VERY PALE ROSE
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